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Brian Lindahl
I am an annoyingly tenacious, loving, and energetic artist who enjoys working with amazing people and making amazing worlds come alive.

As a kid, I grew up loving comic books, television cartoons, and the cinema. I especially loved and still love great stories and storytelling. Best yet there were the magical and fantastical worlds these stories would take me along with their strange wonders and possible dangers to explore.

As I have been able to look back over my life it is fun to examine the things I loved and why I loved them so greatly. Sadly, or maybe positively I am a sucker for details. I love to look examine the elements and design which makeup structure, building, robots and the rooms the antagonist inhabits. The lived-in spaces and the details of those environments which tell a deeper stories setting the mood and a rich understanding to the background of the character and why they existed in the first place.

Movie sets such as those from Alien still blow my mind along with the worlds of The Dark Crystal, Brazil, Blade Runner, The Fifth Element and on and on. What wonderful worlds these talented artists have imagined, and yet there are so many other worlds yet to be imagined, discovered, explored and enjoyed.

I look forward to being part of creating new amazing worlds and environments and characters using digital paint, 3D modeling and sculpting skills to do so.